Car manufacturers worry that Autonomous Vehicles are still not practical for regular usage. This is despite the many millions that they spend on them. Developing functional driverless cars is the aim of most major car companies, and of several major tech companies. However, despite all their efforts, there are not really any fully functioning driverless cars available today.
One of the problems that self-driving cars have is of communication. Humans find it effortless to communicate with each other. Even if there is no one to talk to, we still have a natural understanding of the world around us. Cars, no matter how smart they are, do not have this understanding. Being able to communicate with the world around them would help driverless cars navigate without difficulty.
One of the things that prevents autonomous vehicles from properly understanding the world around them is purely practical. For a car to communicate with other cars, traffic lights and road signs, a huge amount of data needs to transfer both ways. Modern mobile internet is simply not powerful enough to allow this.
The switch from current 4G connections to 5G will allow Vehicle to Everything (V2X) technology to revolutionise how autonomous cars work. As an extension of the Internet-of-Things concept, V2X means that autonomous cars will understand the world around them. They will be in constant contact with everything else on the road. Using this idea, two self-driving cars could tell each other that one was going to slow down. In this way, the other would know what to do before it happened.
This communication can supplement and improve upon the camera-based tech that autonomous cars currently use. If self-driving cars better understand other vehicles on the road and the world around them, they should be able to get to the stage of practical use quicker.
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