It can easily feel like there isn’t much to cheer about in Insurance. After all, most of the news stories you read about insurance refer to rising costs, and people being denied cover. However, stories such as this do not represent the insurance market overall. For thousands of people, insurance costs are actually falling, and stand to fall even further.

The one type of insurance most people are familiar with is Motor Insurance. This is because Motor Insurance is a legal requirement if you want to use a vehicle on the road. While many people might believe that motor insurance will continue to get more expensive, it is quite likely that the opposite is true.

Motor Insurance is changing as motor vehicles themselves change. Cars, in particular, are much less dangerous now than they have ever been before. Due to the proliferation of technology in cars – including innovations in safety technology, cars are much less likely to crash than in the past. Couple this with the decline of traditional car usage patterns, and there are fewer car crashes on the road.

For consumers, this may not seem enormously relevant. However, a decline in the number of crashes could well lead to lower insurance premiums.

Although cars nowadays are safer than ever, it is always better to stay safe than to be sorry. And to stay safe, GAP insurance will be your best bet. GAP insurance will protect your investment, especially if you are on finance. This is because, if your car is ever deemed a total loss, your GAP insurance will pay-out the what your motor insurer won’t. Speak to our team today on 0161 388 2550 for more information.