Black Box telematics recorders are becoming more common in British cars. Particularly among young drivers, insurance companies are likely to offer lower premiums if you are willing to have a black box fitted. Recording data on driving means that insurers can tell how safely you drive, and therefore how likely you are to have an accident.
People who have these black box recorders are therefore more likely to drive carefully. This way they can maintain the lower price of their insurance. New evidence suggests that the common use of these devices may have actually contributed to improved road safety among young drivers, and potentially have saved lives.
Road casualties among those aged 17 to 19 have fallen by 35% overall since 2011. With 75% of young drivers now having black boxes, and this figure expected to rise, there is likely a connection. The telematics provider Marmalade says that young drivers that use its products are three times less likely to have an accident than young drivers without a black box.
Overall, there are more people on the road than ever before. There are 10% more vehicles on the road than in 2011, and 7% more driving licences. Young drivers remain the highest risk group on the road in Britain, but with the number of them involved in accidents falling, the benefits are being passed onto older drivers too.
The popularity of black box recorders among the young has made them cheaper for older people to use. Older drivers are able to use telematics recorders too. They can provide evidence to their insurers that they are safe drivers. With more and more people trying hard to prove that they are driving safely, the roads are sure to become a safer place for everyone.
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